Honey, you were on the phone talking to me last night, its been a long time and I have been waiting for you.

Honey, I’m sorry I didn’t expect this to happen, that the feeling of being in love with you will be substituted with pain and anguish.

Honey, please help me, I don’t know if I can still hold on to this.

Honey, why did you chose her over me? when all she can give you is stress, pressure and tension.

Honey, I can be quiet all time, but I can’t wait for four years for you to let go of her.

Honey, I love you, but I don’t really know if I still do.

-blue opals


My dad said I was like mom who doesn’t care about anyone or anything but herself. My mom said I was like dad intelligent but one who doesn’t look down on people who cared for him. To grandma, I am her granddaughter who should pay tribute to her because she took cared of me since birth. But to grandpa I was an angel, who made his life worth living, who helped him changed.

But to me, i am just a woman who doesn’t worth anything good in life. I thought of throwing myself to hell but every time I attempt do so I always think of my dreams, a dream to be different from my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, to have a family different what I have now, to travel the world and be happy. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, next day, next month, next year, next decade but i’m thankful that despite the situation I am to I’ m still able to stand, maybe not that firm but at least I am trying.

I am the person different from what you see physically. I am feel.