Honey, you were on the phone talking to me last night, its been a long time and I have been waiting for you.

Honey, I’m sorry I didn’t expect this to happen, that the feeling of being in love with you will be substituted with pain and anguish.

Honey, please help me, I don’t know if I can still hold on to this.

Honey, why did you chose her over me? when all she can give you is stress, pressure and tension.

Honey, I can be quiet all time, but I can’t wait for four years for you to let go of her.

Honey, I love you, but I don’t really know if I still do.

-blue opals


To my dearest king,

We had started our relationship in a different way, I knew about you maybetrueornotflirt stories of you, and you knew my secrets. It’s not like we date every day to see each other rather we date because our time has allowed us to. You told me to bear with it, but honestly I just can’t, I can’t take this any longer. I need you, I don’t need you to pay for my depths, to buy me clothes, car, house, maybe not now, but I need you to be my man, my best friend, my comfort, I need your love. I’m sorry if I’m a loser, I don’t know what happened to us, I thought we’ll just be physically away from each other. I can’t be the person you want me to be, I can’t even ask you to be the person I want you to be. I can’t be there, and you know why, I need you to understand, not because I understand you but because you truly know the situation I am in right now.

I want to be honest, it’s painful, too painful that I can no longer bear it. It’s been a year that you have been doing this, and you didn’t have the very nice reason to cover things but I still gave you a chance. Now, you have a better reason, and it’s also a better reason for us to stop this. I love you so much, and like before I want you to be successful in all your plans as you always did. Thank you for the memories I love them all, I even wish to have more of it,

We both want to stay focus right? And I can’t stay focus because of this baggage. Can we do ourselves some favor? Let’s just let go of each other and stop expecting from each other? Sorry I can longer be the woman who cheers you up if ever I did.

Yours truly,

Loser queen


Do you sometimes feel like a circle missing a piece?
The question had stopped me from reading the book entitled abundance of Katherines. I was pondering on the question.
I miss him more than he misses me even though I don’t tell him that much. Few days ago, even up to now, I was wondering what he was doing for weeks. I know he is busy, and I know that his priorities includes his career, his future business plans, his family and lastly, me. I wonder if I wasn’t his girl, I assume she will enjoy all the money he can give her and I wonder if she would feel the same as I do. He can give me the bed of roses, those without thorns, but I don’t need him that way, I want both of us to be in bed of roses even if those roses still have stems and thorns on them, I just want him back like he was before. He is the missing piece and I want him to complete the circle again.


I have never been so desperate to see a person,
Never been so patient to wait,
Never been so hurt,
I don’t know where did I lost him,
When did I lost him,
How did I lost him,
And who is truly lost, was it me or him?
I thought my best was enough,
Unfortunately, it wasn’t,
For he needs more,
And gives less,
I don’t think if I can still give more,
For I know I am already tired,
Tired of chasing over people
Who never cares.


I know you’re busy, I am too. But I don’t understand how you are able to forget about me for a day or so. I find it annoying whenever you tell me you miss me when I cannot feel it. I know I don’t have the right to question your feelings and your responsibilities because we are not the same. In fact we are very different and I can’t find anything common between us, even the definition of love is different between us.

I tried and still trying to make things better between us but I just don’t find it worth of effort. I felt and always feel like I am a toy, if you’re bored you pick me up, play with me then when you have enough you just throw me away elsewhere, without placing me back where I was kept.

I still have 4 months to decide, I cannot leave you at this state, and I know you’re up to something big. And I will be the very first person to greet you with happiness of your success but when this thing happens and nothing has change then I have to do something to make myself happy.

I love you Angelo but I love myself more. Sorry for being selfish. How i wish i can tell you these.



Here I am, staring at your chat box hoping the white circle turn green, you didn’t talk to me whole day, you just beep me with words “sorry ma, I’m busy”. I waited the whole day, though I was tired from my duty just to have a short talk with you but you never gave me a chance, may be you’re busier. The same thing happened a month ago and the previous months, it turned out that you didn’t find time for us. Should I be blamed for allowing someone who gave me an attention be my companion most of the time of which you failed to do? Should I be blamed with what you feel right now? How about my feelings? Who should I blame?


I don’t your money

I don’t your title either

What I need is your time, your company

All I need is you


But where are you now?

Can I hear your voice for a minute or two?

Were you too busy to make a better future

A future that could either keep us together or tore us


Tell me,

Is it me?

Is it you?

Is it we?


Am I impatient?

Am I selfish?

Or do I miss you so much?

That I couldn’t wait you to straighten up the situation for us


How long will I beg for you?


i understand but i can’t hide it the feeling of being just a choice i can’t be the first, second, or third of your priorities. i am always the last. i can’t grasp the right words to tell you everything but the main word there is pain, it hurts, but i have to endure it. can i be just quiet for awhile? can i move a step back away from you. how i wish i won’t miss you, how i wish i can’t talk to you for days or months, how i wish i can stop myself from loving you. how i wish you know how it feels or just feel a little of it. i am patient, understanding, humane but sorry I can’t be God who can do that all the time, the cup is almost full, can you drink some of it?